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Home Programing Course

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Home Programing Course

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Home Programing Course

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Home Programing Course

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Home Programing Course

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Home Programing Course

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Welcome to

St. Xavier's Private School Website

We hope you enjoy your experience here, and that you visit us often. There’s always something happening at St. Xavier’s because we believe learning should be fun, and not all learning takes place in the classroom.  Parents and students have commented that we are a friendly, welcoming school with a strong Catholic ethos.

We aim to produce holistically developed children whose lives reflect the Catholic identity in this global society, equipping them with essential academic and life skills.  This is something that our principal, teachers, and staff are all committed to.

Browse through our website to find more information about our school, its facilities and systems, school events, and more.Feel free to let us know what you like about our website and how we can make your experience more enjoyable.  Use the Contact Form to send us an email.

Visit Our Video and Picture Gallery

The year 2022 has passed and as we said goodbye, we are thankful for what has been accomplished during the past year. Some of which included: –

  • * Virtual classes and meetings
  • * Evacuation Drill
  • * Return to school to the long-awaited socializing aspect of our lives…. Therefore,
  • * Our Patriotic Day brought about awareness and love of country.
  • * School Parade to revitalize our House System – Thanks to members of Fire Service Band who played the marching drums.
  • * Class Projects – Agricultural Projects – at school or virtually.
  • * Art Projects being displayed
  • * Motivational talks and guidance and counselling from the very first day.
  • * Clubs being re-activated with children once more being part of football, swimming, tennis, martial arts, gymnastics and re-introducing hockey.
  • * Our ever- new Pan Parang and Pastelle Festival which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
  • * And once more our annual school bazaar which was a reunion of past students, teachers and parents with present parents collaborating with teachers in their various stalls.

What more can we say but Praise, Glory and Honour to God Almighty who guided us the entire year. Mention must also be made of our priests who came for School Masses and Confessions.Added to thatwas the weekly Tuesday Midday Mass in the Parish Church for our various schools. What a joy it is to be together from different schools as one body.

Thanks to all stakeholders for collaboration and support. May God continue to lead and guide us this year.

St. Xavier’s students have a bright future.