
The word “Academic” comes from “academia” and relates to the development of the mind.  At St. Xavier’s Private School we take this concept seriously and offer our students a wide range of activities designed to engage their curiosity, stir their imagination, and increase their thirst for learning.  We provide them opportunities to express themselves and broaden their interests so that they emerge confident and knowledgeable.

We believe that learning should be fun, and that the classroom is not the only place learning takes place.  Below we’ve provided a brief insight into the St. Xavier’s Curriculum so that you can understand our approach to education.  For more information on the range of experiences students have at our school, visit the Student Life page.

Religious Knowledge

As a Catholic school religion plays an important part in the development of our pupils. Through a variety of activities we do our part to encourage our students to have a personal love of Jesus and Mary. Religious Knowledge is taught as a subject, often through the presence of Religious Sisters from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. And, in addition to observing feast days and preparing students for their first confession and communion, we have made a chapel available for students to pray… a special room where they can find peace and encounter God. We aim to produce holistically developed children whose lives reflect the Catholic identity in this global society, equipping them with essential academic and life skills. This is something that our principal, teachers, and staff are all committed to.

English Language

Do you know what a three legged orange is? Sounds crazy, doesn’t it, but this is part of a unique and highly successful reading programme called Words in Colour. This system was designed around the premise that children are excited about colour. Colour makes life a whole lot more enjoyable and electrifies learning. Beginning in Stage 1, our students are exposed to this system which is as much fun as it is effective. The English curriculum follows an integrated approach to Reading, Creative Writing, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar. While each of these subjects is taught as a separate class, students are engaged in the whole language so that they can combine the necessary skills to become competent communicators. We also pay attention to penmanship because the way students write is just as important as the way they speak.


Mathematics is one of the stronger subjects at St Xavier’s because of the introduction of the Cuisenaire system. Like the Words in Colour, the Cuisenaire Rods system for mathematics is based on the love children have for colour. This system allows our teachers to work with students individually to maximize each student’s ability to master mathematics. As a result our students have a more comprehensive understanding of numbers and their relationships, which enables them (and our school) to be recognized by the Ministry of Education every year for excellence in mathematics. It is also amazing to note that the problem-solving skills that our pupils gain through this type of instruction connects to other areas of learning.

The Arts — Music, Art, Drama

At St Xavier’s, the arts are valued as a necessity – an exploration of creativity and discovery that is essential to the holistic development of human beings.  Many of our teachers are members of performance groups and community arts organizations. The school has a genuine respect for the individual talents of students, and teaching techniques are designed to enrich a student’s aesthetic and creative instincts.  Students come to know the arts through both classroom and extracurricular experience.  For more information on extracurricular activities, visit the Student Life page.  Keep reading to find out how we incorporate music, art, and drama in the curriculum.

Music:  Music studies is a compulsory course at St. Xavier’s.  This is a point of pride for us because our music programme includes instruction in Trinidad and Tobago’s national instrument, the steel pan.  From as young as Pre-stage 1 (4 years old), students are introduced to the pan and participate in live performances at Carnival and Christmas time.  Our instruction covers music theory as well, so that our little ones learn to read notes in addition to appreciating the beautiful music they make.  Many of our teachers also include a variety of songs in their classroom experience so that music is very much a fact of life in our school.

Art: A vibrant art program often involves a lot of displays of student work, and every term our students walk the main hall with pride as their classmates, the rest of the school, and parents get an opportunity to view the work they produced.  And while the sketch pad and water-colours are a staple of the programme, students are given the chance to work with other mediums to produce a variety of craft items.  In addition to the Art programme, many teachers use this form of expression for regular class work.  In Science, for example, students create displays of food chains and habitats and in Religious Knowledge students often create displays of the crucifixion, visitation of Mary, the Last Supper, and many other notable religious events.

Drama:  St Xavier’s offers a variety of age-appropriate performance opportunities for students.  Each term there are concerts, plays, musicals, art and music competitions, and public speaking opportunities.  Every year we embrace the Carnival spirit and our students engage in Calypso and Extempo competitions.  Our teachers also use a variety of methods to include drama in classroom activities, so we find students dramatizing concepts in English, interacting with dialogue in Spanish, and even making presentations in costumes for Social Studies.

Natural Science

The science curriculum is designed to challenge students to think critically and ask questions about the world. Teachers provide ample opportunities for experiential learning and combine practical activities with theoretical perspectives in ways that are exciting and fun for young learners. Students prepare displays, learn to conduct experiments, document observations, and report their findings. Our students leave school with an understanding of their relationship with other living things and with their environment, aware of the place of science and technology in society, and with the ability to think critically about controversial issues that will emerge during their lifetimes.

Computer Science

Technology plays a vital role in today’s society. No academic institution can claim to be preparing students for life without including the use of computers in their curriculum. Our students regularly use computers to develop technical skills, explore their creativity and become better communicators. The computer science curriculum is project-based and focused on actively constructing meaning and knowledge from what is learned in the classroom. Not only are concepts taught as a subject, but students are often required to utilize these skills at home in the preparation of assignments for other subject areas. And, due to the constant development and rapid changes which take place in this industry, our curriculum is always being reviewed and updated to ensure that our students get the best opportunities for learning.

Physical Education

At St. Xavier’s Private School, we view physical education as more than just “games” or “exercise”. We consider the overall health of our students and design our programme to assist them in making healthy choices. Not only are students engaged in physical activity, but they are taught the value of eating balanced meals, getting enough rest, and rejuvenating their mind through a healthy spiritual life. We believe that healthy bodies support healthy minds, and that keeping the body healthy is a key factor in children learning well. To encourage all students to eat well, we have introduced “Fruit Wednesdays” where children and parents are asked to pack fruit as snacks instead of unhealthy alternatives.
In addition to the physical education programme, our extracurricular activities include many sporting activities students can choose from–football, swimming, lawn tennis, archery, gymnastics and many more. You can visit the Student Life page for a complete list of available activities.


¿Habla Español? We are very proud to note that our students have been exposed to a second language for many decades. Our teachers have often been native speakers of Spanish, which have enriched the experience as they include an understanding of the Spanish culture in their instruction. Teachers utilize music, craft, drama, and dance in their classes so that students really have a wonderful time. We have found that not only do our students enjoy learning Spanish, but they are so well prepared that when they enter Secondary School they usually excel in the subject.